We travelled up to Birmingham to experience the full power of the UK Games Expo. Armed with some Haunted Heist business cards, a few demo copies of the Haunted Heist core rulebook and empty bags, we wanted to speak to other indie game developers. We hope to bring our supernatural capers to the Expo in 2025 and we're on a fact-finding mission (and there to buy and play some new games, of course).

A huge shout-out to Fiona and her speccy wife of Sleepy Sparrow Games, Tim Roberts, author of Be Like A Crow, the folks at Blackwell Games and Rowan, Rook, and Decard for their amazing games and helpful advice.

Our plan for 2025 is to be the year of conventions, and now we are armed with a list, a ghostly game, and lots of ideas to bring Haunted Heist to you, the scared and unsuspecting public.

Keep your eyes peeled for future Red Mug Games appearances in the flesh.


Red Mug Games were out in full spooky force at this years Tabletop Scotland. Our first ever convention and our first time unveiling the full 56 page HAUNTED HEIST CORE RULEBOOK to the world! To say the experience was overwhelming would be an understatement. The support, encouragement and excitement we received from other creators and TTRPG enthusiast was incredible. We sold over 60 copies of the rulebook and left feeling energised for the next steps of Red Mug Games. Thank you to everyone who bought the game and we can’t wait to hear about your hauntings.

Huge thank you as well to the Tabletop Scotland team - it was their first time moving the event to the Highland Centre in Edniburgh from Perth and we wanted for nothing. We can’t wait to be back next year with even more Mortecambe Bay madness.


Our very first game is available at DriveThruRPG. You can purchase the PDF of the Haunted Heist core rulebook by CLICKING HERE. We’re planning on selling physical copies of the book through this site in the future so look out for news on that.

We also have lots of campaign and expansion plans for lots more Mortecambe Bay mayhem.

Learn more about Haunted Heist and the Mystic Motor game engine HERE.


The fantastic folks over at TTRPG Factory have posted the first review of ‘Haunted Heist’! They call it a “really fun time” and you can read their full thoughts HERE.